
A picture is worth 1,000 words! This is especially true when it comes to listing photos. Photos are an important part of a listing and help tell the story of the property.

Your photos should not only look great, they should also follow the ARMLS photo rules. Here’s a breakdown (if the table isn’t loading correctly, click this link):

Photo Question

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Can I list a property without photos?

Yes, but you must add at least one front exterior photo within 4 days of it going Active. This rule only applies to Residential and Residential Rental (Property Classes 1 & 2) listings.

Are photos needed in “Coming Soon” Status?

No. But at least one front exterior photo needs to be added within 4 days switching to Active.

Does the main/first photo need to be the front of the house?

No. The order of the photos does not matter as long as one front exterior is included.

Can I copy photos from old listings?

If it was your listing and you’re still with the same brokerage, absolutely. If not, you can only do so with permission.

Do I have to remove the For Sale sign before taking photos of the front of house?

The sign can be there as long as all words are blurred out (otherwise not visible).

What does “Contact Info in the Media” mean?

This refers to anything in listing photos, videos or documents that can identify the seller’s agent or broker.

Am I allowed to alter photos of the house?

Photographs and other Media may not be altered to display text, or images except to identify the property’s location attributions, or watermarks of any kind except for those specifically provided by ARMLS and displayed in such Media as permitted by ARMLS guidelines.

Can people be visible in the photos?

Media may not include people unless they are in the background of such media.

What photo specs/dimensions does Flexmls require?

The maximum file size is 15 MB or 2000 x 3000. Acceptable formats are: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif, tiff, bmp, pgm and ppm.

Can text be added to photos?

Photographs and other Media may not be altered to display text, or images except to identify the property’s location attributions.

Am I able to change or remove photos once added to a listing?

You can add, remove or change the order of your photos any time while the listing is Active.

Can I remove the photos once the listing is going off market?

Only one front exterior photo needs to remain. Others can be removed before the listing closes.

If the home is a to-be-built, can I add a rendering of the home in the photo section of a listing?

Yes, if a home is a to-be-built you can add a rendering of the home but it may not contain any contact info or violate other rules. (Bonus, for to-be-built listings the rendering will satisfy the rule of one front exterior photo within 4 days of it going Active.)

Are floor plans allowed in the photo section of a listing?

Yes, so long as it does not include contact info or violate other rules.

To learn more about the ARMLS rules, take our online course.