
A listing needs photos (at least one). If you’re looking to add or remove photos from your listing, here are the steps and best practices.


In order to upload photos you’ll first have to save your listing. In the upper right-hand corner you’ll see the Save Incomplete button. After you click Save Incomplete you’ll see the option to upload photos. Click Browse to locate the photos on your computer. After you upload your photos you’ll need to choose which photo is the primary photo. Click on the flag to make the photo the primary photo.

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It’s important to note that the primary photo does not need to be the front exterior, but the front exterior photo must be added within 4 days of making your listing active. After uploading your photos, you can name them and reorder them by dragging them or changing the number in the left corner. Once your photos are uploaded they are automatically saved.


When your listing is Active you can change, reorder or remove photos. Remove them by clicking on the trash can icon. If your seller has given you instructions to remove photos after closing, contact the Data Integrity department by clicking Report An Error. It’s important to note that the front exterior photo needs to remain with the listing even after closing.

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