
There are various circumstances that may lead to the Co-Listing Agent taking over as the Listing Agent. For instance, the original Listing Agent may be taking a vacation or personal leave, mentoring the co-listing agent or retiring. Regardless of the reason, here are a few key considerations when swapping the LA and CLA roles in Flexmls.

  • Flexmls has only two listing agent sections. Therefore, you cannot add a third agent.
  • Both agents must work for the same brokerage.
  • If the CLA needs to be assigned as the LA, the broker can make the change or you can contact Data Integrity to report an error.
  • Both the LA and CLA can edit listing information. However, the LA ultimately assumes responsibility for any errors on the listing.

LA and CLA in Flexmls screenshot

If having a CLA is the correct path for you, follow these steps on how to add a Co-Lister. Finally, if you have more questions about the process of adding a listing, take our online course.