
The Supra BTLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) lockbox is the epitome of modern technology in a keybox. Whether you’re a showing agent or a listing agent, the BTLE lockbox can provide everything you need!

Benefits for Listing Agents

Marketing– This highly recognizable box hanging in plain view lets passing agents know that potential access to the property is just a Flexmls lookup away.

Notifications– Receive emails or texts whenever someone enters the property, including who the showing agent was and what time they entered the property. Note: This requires a SupraWEB account.

Control– Utilize the built-in timed access to set the perfect schedule for entry that works for you and your clients. No agents will be able to access the box outside of the designated hours you’ve specifically programmed.

Knowledge– Use the Call Before Showing (CBS) option to ensure showing agents call you before they show the property. Once they call for confirmation, you can provide them the seven-digit CBS code you created to allow them entry.

Organization– The SupraWEB website is a great organizational tool to keep track of your lockboxes, assign a lockbox to a specific property, view all of your showings and more. You can also keep track of all your lockbox codes (shackle and CBS) through the click of a button. Just select the option in the top right for SupraWEB for Agents to get started.

Durability– Supra lockboxes can last for several years and come with a lifetime warranty. If the box does become inoperable or malfunctions, we can help you out of your jam.

Benefits for Showing Agents

Consistency– Relax knowing exactly what’s waiting for you at the house and how to use it. No more dealing with temperamental mechanical lockboxes or keeping track of codes or loose keys. The Supra lockbox utilizes your own Key PIN code to open, so you can rest assured knowing you’ll always have a way in.

If you are interested in purchasing a new Supra BTLE lockbox, check out this blog for more info on pricing and where to find them.

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