
Do you or an agent you know specialize in one particular area of the Valley? If so, you can look up agent sales for just that area in Flexmls using the Map on your Quick Search screen.

Agents Stats by Area

First, draw the area on the Map by using your Polygon tool. A helpful tip is to use the map overlays when trying to locate a specific area in the Valley.

screenshot of East Mesa in Flexmls

Next, add Listing/Selling Member into your template by clicking on Add a Field to the Search, then type the name or agent ID into the box and select the name below. You have the option to select Listing Member, Co-Listing Member, Selling Member or Co-Selling Member.

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Choose which statuses you’re looking for, such as: Active, Pending, Closed, etc. If you’re selecting closed properties you’ll need to specify the time frame. The data in Flexmls goes back to the year 2000, so if you’re looking for agent stats for the last six months, click Close of Escrow Date under the Date Ranges and use the calendar fields to select a six month range. You can also click on the two arrows in front of the calendars to change the field to Days Back.

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To view the results click List Tab or the View Results button above the search template. You can also visit the Stats tab for graphs and detailed statistical data.