
We know every subscriber is unique. Create your Flexmls Business Card to stand out even more!

Every subscriber has a Generic Business Card automatically created for them. The Generic Business Card contains contact information passed from your local association. It will also include a personal photo if one has been added to your Flexmls Profile. The Business Card is used for branding throughout Flexmls and will be shown as your email signature. Every subscriber’s Generic Business Card is formatted the same. However, if you visit My Reports in the main Menu, you can create a custom Business Card!

Screenshot of Flexmls Menu with My Reports outlined in Red.

Start by clicking New, then select Business Card.

Screenshot of My Report options with Business Card outlined in red.

When you create a custom Business Card, you can add your information two different ways.

The first option is to manually type in the details for your card. This allows you to visualize how it will appear throughout Flexmls. However, if you update your contact information with your local association, you will need to manually update your business card with the new details.

Writing formatting options with a digital business card with contact information

The second option is to utilize the Flexmls Building Blocks. Using the Building Blocks is beneficial as the information always stays up to date with your profile. Therefore, if you change your contact information on file with your local association, you won’t need to manually update your Custom Business Card. On the right-hand side, you can choose what pieces of information you want shown. Don’t be alarmed by the HTML coding the Building Blocks add! You can still adjust the font, sizing, and colors of not only the text, but the images and logos as well. When the business card is used, it will properly display the information chosen. Click Preview to see how it will display throughout Flexmls.

Writing formatting options with HTML coding. There is an arrow pointing from the HTML code to a digital business card with a photo and contact information

Once you’re ready, type in a unique name for the Card and click Save where it can then be used throughout Flexmls.

Look out for Part 2 (Edit a Custom Business Card) and Part 3 (Set a Custom Business Card as Your Default) in this series.