A listing can change statuses multiple times throughout its duration on the MLS. When viewing a listing’s detail report/plano, there are several listing dates that give you key indicators of when certain changes took place.
Check out the example below of a listing being changed throughout its transaction.
Keep in mind that based on a listing’s current status, only some dates may appear. Furthermore, some listing dates occur on the same day. Take a look at a breakdown of each date listed below.
List Date
This is the agreed upon date the seller and agent decide to place the listing in the MLS. The List Date is also used to count towards the Agent Days on Market (ADOM).
Expire Date
The Expire Date is the expiration of the listing contract the Listing Agent has with the seller. You will only see an Expire Date on your own listings or listings that are currently Expired.
On Market Date
If you choose to start a listing in Coming Soon status, you must input an On Market Date that lies in the future. This is the date the listing will automatically move from Coming Soon to Active.
Under Contract Date
The Under Contract Date is the date the seller accepted an offer on a listing. The listing is then placed in either a UCB/CCBS or Pending status.
Off Market Date
There are several listing statuses that are considered “off-market” since they are no longer being marketed. The Off Market Date is the date the listing changed to either Pending, Closed, Cancelled, Expired or Temporarily Off Market.
Close of Escrow Date
This is the best day of them all – the final date of a successful transaction where the sale is recorded with the county.
Cancel Date
If a listing contract needs to be cancelled, this date will show when it was no longer for sale/lease.
Status Change Date
The Status Change Date will always update to show the date of the most recent status change, regardless of the status.
Fallthrough Date
The Fallthrough Date is an optional field that can be used to show if a previously accepted offer fell-through.