
Are you having trouble finding a city in your Flexmls search? It could be that what you’re looking for is actually a neighborhood. Plugging a neighborhood or subdivision into the city/town code field won’t get you any results. Your solution might lie in the Neighborhood Maponics overlay.

The city/town code field is used to find only officially recognized municipalities, such as Phoenix, Scottsdale and Mesa. Within those cities are large geographic areas that are considered to be neighborhoods. Some examples are Arcadia, Biltmore and Ahwatukee. They often have subdivisions within their boundaries. And some subdivisions, like Grayhawk, are large enough to also be considered a neighborhood.

As development in the Valley continues, new terms for neighborhoods are sometimes coined and it can be confusing to keep up with them. It’s also difficult to know the exact boundary lines. The neighborhood overlay is one of the Flexmls map overlays that can assist with your property search. It can be used on its own to show names and boundaries of neighborhoods or you can combine it with other overlays. Either way, you might need to zoom in or out to clearly see the information. All overlays are located in the top right corner of the map.

Flexmls map overlays menu

Once you’ve selected the overlay, it will be clear to see which listings are located in your desired neighborhood.

arcadia shown in neighborhood overlay

You can use your map tools to draw an outline of a neighborhood you want to search in and then save it for future use. This is called creating a custom template.