Have you interacted with a potential client who has explained that they struggle going up and down stairs? Or that they need modified bath and kitchen features? If you have a client struggling with the above mentioned or if they disclose a disability, you have options when searching in Flexmls.
Finding a property for a client that suites their modification needs can be tricky, but searching in Flexmls doesn’t have to be. The U.S. Census Bureau states that about 15.5% of the population is 65 years or older. In addition, 7.5% of the population identified as having a disability. This means accessibility features and unit levels should not be overlooked.
Here are a few tips when searching in Flexmls to make the process easier. Click the blue Add a Field button to search Accessibility Features or Unit Style. There are many to choose from in both sections. Here are some that are frequently used.
Accessibility Features
You can add Zero-Grade Entry or Ramps. Just remember the and/or/not functionality.
Unit Style
You can add Ground Level or All on One Level.
*Note, in the category General Property Description, it’s recommended to shy away from adding fields like # of Interior Levels or Exterior Stories as they may not give you the results you are looking for.
Next time you’re searching in Flexmls for a client that has some of these specific needs, check out these fields to improve search results.
You can reach out to ARMLS support for assistance if you have more questions.
United States Census Bureau (n.d.). Quick Facts Maricopa County. Retrieved from: https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/maricopacountyarizona