In our recent blog post, Blurred Signs – A Photo Blog, we explained that Subscribers can’t post photos with contact information. One of the fastest ways to correct a photo with contact information is to simply blur the sign. You don’t need to run out and buy a copy of Photoshop, there is a free online photo editor call Pixlr Editor that can do the job. Here are the steps.
1. Visit and select Pixlr E.
2. Select Open Image
3. Browse to where the photo is stored on your computer and click Open
4. With the image open, click the marquee tool, it looks like this:
5. Click, hold and drag on the photo to select the information you want to blur – release your mouse
6. Go to Filter > Details> Blur
7. Drag the slider to the right until the contact information in the photo is completely obscured.
8. To Save, click File > Save.