What a great way to start 2020! The results of the fall 2019 ARMLS Satisfaction Survey are in and we’re happy to say that overall satisfaction with our products and services was even higher than our previous survey. Some of you even said that you LOVE us! Thank you to everyone who took a few moments to participate.
As always, we received lots of valuable feedback. In future Subscriber Satisfaction Series blog posts we’ll address many of the comments that were left.
Some of the feedback we received was related to matters handled by the associations, which have their own procedures and run independently of ARMLS. This confusion is pretty common, which is why we created a few blog posts that can help you better understand the role of your association:
5 Things Your Association Manages
Please note that this survey was anonymous and administered by an impartial third party. To ensure your privacy, we are only able to reply to those who checked off the box asking to be contacted. If you were hoping to be contacted and have not been, feel free to email us.