If you’re using the foreclosure search in Monsoon, the Listing Status field can be important for a number of reasons. It all depends on what you’re trying to accomplish with your search.
Foreclosures might be a great option for investors looking for a fixer upper or a client who wants a smokin’ deal due to the circumstances. By incorporating the Listing Status field you can see if the foreclosure property is actually on the market to sell.
You may also be looking for opportunities to find listings. The foreclosure search could help with that too, but you wouldn’t want to reach out to an owner who was already working with another agent. Adding the Listing Status field would eliminate those properties.
Remember, when searching for foreclosures it’s always good to start with either Auction or Notice date.
You will also have to use the Add/Modify/Reorder Fields button to add Listing Status to your default fields.
Once you add the field and select a status, an IS/Not option will appear allowing you to chose if the status is or is not Active/Pending/Closed etc.
In Arizona I was under the impression it was the buyer right to use their choice of title
seems like that has changed listing with : using this title will help with acceptance of your offer – or strongly encourgage this title company to be used.
James Marcus
Requiring is not allowed. Suggesting is allowed. If you have concerns about a particular listing, please email DI@ARMLS.com