
Do you know how to delete multiple Flexmls searches, listing collections and subscriptions at once? This can be a big time saver if you’ve been actively using Flexmls for a while. Things have a way of piling up!


You can view, delete or rename an individual search by clicking on the three dots to the right of it. You can also choose to delete several at once by checking off the boxes to the left of everything you want to remove and clicking Delete.

screenshot showing hot to delete multiple Flexmls searches

Listing Collections

The same process applies to listing collections.

screenshot flexmls listing collections


Individual subscriptions can be removed and modified via the Contact Management screen or you can delete them in bulk by choosing Subscriptions in your Flexmls menu.

screenshot of flexmls subscriptions

Want to learn more about searches, subscriptions and listing collections? The learning section of our website lists our online courses as well as upcoming live classes.