
Did you know not all listings on consumer websites come from ARMLS? To verify where the syndicator or IDX is receiving information, there is always an indication of the data source and it may not always be directly from ARMLS. Each site will display the information a little differently, so look around or use Ctrl+F on your keyboard (Command+F on MAC) to search for the key word source.

Example of ARMLS as the source on (Syndicator):

Screenshot showing ARMLS as the Data Source on a consumer website

If you recently added or changed a listing in Flexmls, the listing or its updates may not appear immediately. Syndicators and IDX sites can take up to 12 hours to pull information from ARMLS to display on their websites, among other agreements, according to the IDX Policy. If there is an error on a listing that is sourced from ARMLS, reach out to the syndicator or IDX vendor. ARMLS Support can also be contacted to assist with the update.

Where listings are syndicated to and whether to participate in IDX is decided by your Designed Broker. Reach out to them if you have questions on this topic. It’s important to note, residential rentals are not sent directly from Flexmls to Zillow. The Designated Broker can apply for a RETS Broker data feed to be used for Zillow Rental Manager.

Need more background information? You can also view the blog What is an IDX?