The Supra Functions feature in Flexmls allows you to view lockbox activity on a property. It can be accessed directly in the menu of Flexmls.
It is important to assign a lockbox to your listing immediately after it is assigned an MLS number. This will help you organize your lockboxes, view who has accessed the property and see the lockbox’s settings.
Supra Functions will only show activity from the time it was last assigned to a listing. If you need to view previous activity, you can visit SupraWEB and view all activity for your lockboxes and even setup email and text notifications.
So how do you look up the Supra activity? Here you’re just telling us how to assign a lockbox to a listing!
Chelsea Oakland
Hey! Great question. This blog should help.
Our blogs are searchable at There is so much great information there on lockboxes and keys.
Great to see I can access LB activity from the armls MENU! Did not know that.
Chelsea Oakland
Awesome! Glad you learned something new from the Blog!
Love it – I had no clue – thank you!!