
You or a client may have a different definition of what you consider important enough to be called a new listing. Luckily, in Flexmls, you are able to alter the criteria, or events, that define a new listing to better optimize your searches.

Your criteria can be saved per search. This can help you monitor a search in your marketing area or neighborhood to gain insight into new activity going on. Your client may also be interested in receiving Subscription emails about listings according to changes that are important to them.

Changing New Listing Criteria

When starting a new search, or viewing a Saved Search, click the Save button. At the bottom, expand the area for Additional Search Options.

Screenshot of Saving a Search with the selection of Additional Search Options outlined in red.

Here, you can choose which changes are important enough to be defined as New. By default in Flexmls, listings that are labeled “New” in a search have had a recent Price Change or Status Change.

Screenshot of checkbox selections of different events for what could define a new listing

You can even change the time range for which listings are considered “New” depending on how often you monitor your search. However, this only affects when you view search results and does not affect subscription emails.

Screenshot of drop-down option for what time range should be considered for new listings