Data, Data, Data; it’s a core value at ARMLS. Why? Because quality data is most important! In that spirit, there is a loophole to avoid penalties when you’ve made an error on your listing(s). Simply fix the error (this even works on many off-market listings) or tell on yourself if it cannot be fixed yourself. If you let us know about a listing data error before a violation notice is sent out, we will guide or help you correct the listing data error without assigning a penalty. However, Lockbox and Key violations are excluded from this loophole since they are automatic violations.
Something to consider before “telling on yourself” is that many errors can be corrected without our involvement, especially minor ones. You can edit the listing while it’s On-Market, as well as up to seven days after it becomes Off-Market. If selecting the Self-Reported Error, you are automatically directed to the Change Listing Screen to make the changes. Follow these steps to Edit Your Off Market Listing. The sooner the issue is resolved, the better. If past the seven-day period, you can tell on yourself by using the Report an Error button in Flexmls.