You can quickly access Rental Beast to complete rental property searches. From Flexmls, start by clicking Menu under Products, then find Rental Beast Search.
Searching by Address
One way to start searching for rental listings in the Rental Beast database is to search by specific address. To start, click on the Search tab.
Next, click the Clear Criteria button to reset the search filters. Then, type in the address and select from the auto populated drop-down box.
Finally, add any desired filters and click the Search button. Any listings at that address will appear in the search results.
Using Advanced Filters
To search for rental listings with advanced filters, begin by clicking on the Search tab.
Be sure to click the Clear Criteria button to reset search filters before you start. Next, click the Slider icon to add additional filters.
You can search by a specific city and highlight the Advanced Search and Clear buttons. This action will open a box allowing you to add additional filters.
Next, click More Filters to reveal additional filtering options including Listing Criteria, Property Information and Unit Information.
As a final note, on the Advanced Search page, there are three fields that have a More Filters dropdown. Apply the desired filters and click the Search button. If looking for closed listings, under the Status field, use the term Rented.
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