
As an agent specializing in rental properties, learning to save and manage a search inside Rental Beast will be valuable.

Saving a Search

To save a search, click on the Search tab.

RB screenshot of Search tab

Then click Clear to remove any previous criteria. Next, add any filters and click the Search button to generate results. To begin to save the search, click the Floppy Disc icon. Type the search name in the Type Shortcut Name field and click the +New Search button to save your search. The saved search name will appear in the area below.

RB Save a search floppy disc icon screenshot

Locating a Saved Search

To locate a saved search, click the Floppy Disc icon. Next, find the name of your saved search and click the Checkmark icon. To make any new additions to your previously saved search, click the Search button.

Editing a Saved Search

Regarding editing a saved search, click on the Search tab. Then, click the Floppy Disc icon. Find the name of your saved search and click the Checkmark icon. Edit or add new search criteria and click the Floppy Disc icon to resave your search. Finally, click the Search button to update your search.

Search tab Floppy Disc icon screenshot

Deleting a Saved Search

To delete a saved search, click on the Search tab. Next, click the Floppy Disc icon. Find the name of your saved search and click the Trash Can icon. Finally, when prompted, click OK to confirm that you want to delete the search.

delete a saved search screenshot

For more learning opportunities, contact ARMLS Support or watch this tutorial from Rental Beast.