When adding a listing to Flexmls, it’s a good idea to be as specific and detailed as possible. Searching in Flexmls is a different ballgame.
Flexmls is a huge database of information entered in by real estate professionals. When you select criteria for a search, the database is scoured for exact matches and results are generated.
In order for a match to be made, the listing agent must have entered in the exact information specified in your search. It’s a tricky situation because many property detail fields are optional and can easily be skipped over during the listing process.
For example, it’s required to state whether a property has a pool, but adding specific pool features is optional. There are hundreds of other optional fields such as mountain view, patio and granite countertops. Including any of those in your search will cause listings not containing them to be eliminated.
Sticking to basic criteria in your search might return some results that are not a perfect match, but you’ll also have less risk of missing potential matches.
For more helpful tips on searching in Flexmls, register for a live class or take our online course anytime.