
You may have noticed that the Saved Searches screen has gotten a recent face-lift. The page has been updated and streamlined for an easier experience for the user.

At the top you’ll see your Saved Searches along with Favorites and Drafts. If you want to make a search a Favorite, hover your mouse on the search until you see the star and click on it. A good tip is if you’ve saved a search just for yourself and it’s not related to a client, mark it a Favorite and keep your Saved Searches reserved for client searches.

flexmls screenshot

You can type into the search box to locate your search, or use the sorting option to view most recent, least recent or name.

flexmls screenshot

You can view the search results by double-clicking on the search or clicking on the arrow. When you click on the three dots you have the option to view the search details for that particular search, add a subscription, rename the search or delete it. You can also delete multiple searches at once by clicking on the box to the left of each search.

screenshot of saved searches in Flexmls