
Want to see what emails your clients have been receiving from you in Flexmls? Viewing sent emails from Flexmls is simple.

Go to your main Flexmls Menu and click My Sent E-mails. 

Screenshot of the Menu options for Contacts

*Remember you can always add a favorite to your menu bar by hovering over the option and clicking the outlined star.

Screenshot of My Sent Emails in the Menu

Once on the sent emails screen, you’ll see two radial buttons for Manual and Subscription emails.

Screenshot showing the radio buttons of Manual and Subscription email types

You can select either of the two options to see what manual emails you have personally sent or the subscriptions Flexmls has sent for you.

You can filter emails to a specific client and see if they are actively opening your emails from the Hit Count column. You can even see when Portal Invites are sent to your clients and Resend listings if needed.

Screenshot of manual emails from the My Sent Emails page