Flexmls makes it easy to view past and present listings from a specific member or office in Quick Search.
When performing this search you can tailor it to view how many listings an office or member currently has, see what they’ve closed and find out where the listings were located.
Search for Member/Office-Specific Listings
On the Quick Search screen, scroll down to the Add a field button. Type Member into the search bar. You’ll see the option to add the listing office, listing company or the listing member.
Next, type in the member name or office you are looking for in the Name field, then click Find. Numerous results may appear in the Members box. Select the correct member name or office for the listings you are seeking. You have the option to search numerous members or offices at one time.
You can then select your preferred statuses, how far back the listings have closed and even select a city or draw a shape on the map.
Watch the Searching & Mapping Online Course to learn more quick search tips.