
The monthly STAT report now lives in RapidStats, therefore it is important you know how to find it and how to filter it based on your needs. If you just need to get the report fast, use the direct link to the report: It will lead you to the most recent volume of STAT.

*Remember, you are looking at numbers from the previous full month. New numbers are released on the fourth business day of the month. For example, if we are currently in the month of August and the fourth business day has passed (this will vary month to month), you will see July’s numbers.

Pulling STAT from RapidStats

1. Log in to RapidStats using your Flexmls username and password.

2. From the left side menu, select Market Summary.

RapidStats Market Summary option

3. From the report options, choose the STAT report.

Stat Report option

4. The current monthly STAT report will generate. Tada! You are done!

Customizing STAT

The STAT report uses data from all counties Arizona. Want to customize the report? Use the filtering options at the top to hone in on specific counties, cities or ZIP codes.

STAT report filters