
Have you ever wondered how your production compares against others in the MLS? Running a Ranking Report in Flexmls can help you determine what your rank is among ARMLS subscribers.

To run a Ranking Report, visit the main Menu to select Inventory & Production, then choose the Ranking Report. You can narrow the results by chosen criteria or a saved search, then select a date range for the report. Next, you can choose to compare all members, offices or companies against each other. Finally, select if the report will be calculated by dollar volume or amount of listings by sides, and how many results you want to display.

screenshot of the report options in the Ranking Report to rank

Finally, once the report is generated, each member, office or company will have a number ranking based on the criteria chosen. The rank will calculate who has the highest number of transactions based off your criteria.

Screenshot of a completed Ranking Report in Flexmls