
Square footage confusion can catch even the most seasoned real estate professional off-guard. Read on to learn the answer to one of our most frequently asked questions regarding square footage.

Q: You have a new listing that you’re about to add to the MLS, but your seller insists the square footage of their property is greater than the living area square footage reported in Monsoon. Which SqFt value should you enter for this listing?

A: Enter the square footage that is most accurate.

Regarding a property’s living area, Flexmls requires you to enter values for Approx SQFT and the Source of SqFt. For any number entered in the Approx SQFT field, you must select a corresponding Source of SqFt from a drop-down list (County Assessor, Appraiser, Architect, Builder, or Owner).

In this particular scenario, the choice resides with you as the listing agent.  As long as you accurately report the Source of SqFt, you can choose between entering the owner-reported square footage or the square footage reported by the County Assessor (as found in Monsoon).