This post was edited on 5/20/2020: 90 was changed to 45 days. Prior to 6/4/2020, DOM resets only after 90 days.
Agent Days on Market (ADOM) and Cumulative Days on Market (CDOM) can be confusing. What’s the difference? How are they calculated? Let’s start with defining them.
- ADOM is the number of days a property has been listed with an individual agent.
- CDOM is the number of days the property has been listed in the MLS.
Calculating Days on Market
The calculations for ADOM and CDOM can start at different points and therefore can be different numbers. The ADOM will begin accruing based on the List Date you enter in your listing.
The CDOM will begin accruing when the listing actually goes live in Flexmls. CDOM will only start over after a transfer of ownership takes place or the property has been in one of the Off-Market statuses for a full 45 days. On the 46th day, if the property has been off the market the whole time, the CDOM will reset the next time the property is listed. When re-listing a property, you must create a new listing (which will generate a different listing number). You can save time by copying your old listing. Our official policy on Days on Market calculations can be found here:
Be sure to check the monthly Stat report to keep track of the average days on market in the Valley. The average days on market is the average of the cumulative days on market, not to be confused with agent days on market.