
Ever click the Stats button in a Quick Search? This neat feature shows you the statistics for the current listing results in your specific search. It provides graphs and detailed information on data such as average and median home prices, price per square foot, days on market and more.

Within Flexmls, start a Quick Search and input your search criteria. You can be as broad or specific with your criteria as you’d like.

Screenshot of a Quick Search with Closed criteria

Click on the Stats tab and view the results.

Screenshot of the Stats tab including Closed listings

You can easily view statistical information on the listing results categorized into different sections:

  • Average, Median, Low and High Statistics
  • Days on Market and Sold/List Ratios by Market Time
  • Agent Days on Market and Sold/List Ratios by Market Time
  • Cumulative Days on Market and Sold/List Ratios by Market Time

If you’re interested in statistical information on the whole market, check out our published Statistics reports.