
Everyone loves an obscure search field in Flexmls. They’re not just interesting, they can help you narrow down your search to make sure your client gets exactly what they want. For even more obscure fields, check out part 4part 3part 2 and part 1 of this series.


Person pushing elevator button

A private elevator isn’t just for the rich and famous. Some homeowners are installing elevators for convenience, disability or as a neat custom feature. Perfect for the client who needs (or wants) a lift between stories. Currently we have 409 listings with an elevator.

Auction Date

man holding gavel and house
In this field you can look up auction date and minimum bid price info. Have an investor client looking to pick up properties for a bargain? Or someone who’s interested in a flipping a property? Then the Auction Date field might be for you.

Neighbor Above

picture showing upstairs neighbor
Good fields help paint a picture of a property. If your client is purchasing a dwelling with common walls, they might want to know if there will be an upstairs neighbor. There are currently 1,415 townhomes that do not have an upstairs neighbor.

Status Change Info

hands holding a tablet with status change on the screenMaybe you’re looking for listings that have just expired or have been canceled. If so, you’ll want to add the Status Change field. This will let you search for homes that have undergone a recent status change.

Smart Home System

living room with a smart home screen on the wall

These days just about anything can be linked to your smart device. Even your home. Thermostats, appliances, lighting, security systems, even locking the front door can all be done remotely in a smart home. If you have a client that loves technology, a smart home might be for them. Currently we have 603 listing that feature a Smart Home System.