So the seller has accepted an offer on your listing. Congratulations! Now you need to change the status to UCB, CCBS, or Pending. If you’re unsure of which option is the best, take a look at the breakdown.
UCB (Under Contract Accepting Back-Up Offers) – This means an offer has been accepted however the seller has chosen to accept back-up offers. By selecting UCB you are choosing to market the property for sale even though an offer has been accepted.
CCBS (Contract Contingent on Buyer Sale) – This status is reserved for when the buyer’s offer to purchase the property is contingent on them first selling their own property. By selecting CCBS, the property will continue to be marketed for sale.
Pending – The offer has been accepted and is no longer being marketed for sale.
It’s important to note that UCB and CCBS are statuses that indicate the property is still being marketed for sale.
is it a verbal agreement between seller and agent to go UCB status? if not, is there a form to use for seller to fill out? thanks!
James Marcus
Hi, the Sold/Change form is used to change status: