
No, you may not sell or rent your MLS access. There have been attempts by alarm companies, wholesalers, house cleaning services and others to acquire MLS access from agents. Some are brazen enough to advertise publicly, like in this real ad from Craigslist last year:

I am an investor and I am looking to partner with a realtor who is open to sharing their MLS access with me?

The loss of MLS access is not worth it

The penalty for sharing access is $15,000 and may lead to permanent expulsion from the MLS. Even sharing access with another agent or assistant is a violation of the ARMLS Subscriber Agreement. The security of the MLS system is paramount for accurate data and transparency (the person you are interacting with in the MLS should be the person assigned to the ID).

Please report solicitations for access to ARMLS investigates and has pursued action against several entities, like the company who created the Craigslist ad in this post. We aim to protect the hard work of agents away from thieves.