GSE? Reverted? Bulk? In the Monsoon Tax system, there are several categories of transactions and other terms you may not know. Here is a short list of definitions:
3rd Party
Successful Trustee’s Sale purchase.
Multiple property sale, properties may be scattered across the Valley with a single transaction recorded, usually between investors.
FCV, Full Cash Value is calculated by the County Assessor, and is what they consider to be the value of the home. FCVR is the ratio between the FCV and the last Sold Price. A FCVR of 1.0 would mean that the property’s sales price and FCV were the same.
Property purchased by an investor then resold within 180 days.
Sale by Government-Sponsored Enterprise (Fannie-Mae, FHL, etc.).
Prelim vs. Final Tax Assessment
The Prelim Tax Assessment is the County Assessor’s estimate of the total tax bill for that year. The Final Tax Assessment is the actual amount of taxes billed for that property.
Failed Trustee’s sale, property reverts to beneficiary (mortgage holder).
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