
This post is part of our series focusing on subscriber feedback from our Fall 2020 Subscriber Satisfaction Survey. We welcome comments and questions any time.

You’ve asked us to bring back the Flexmls map search. The good news is it never went away!

In the past you had to click a button to launch a map search. Now the Flexmls map is located directly next to the search template on the Quick Search screen. How convenient!

Screenshot of the Quick Search with the map

Having the Flexmls map and all its tools on the same page as the search template allows you to perform searches with ease. Nothing has been taken away. You can still access Nosy Neighbor, the shape tools, overlays and so much more all in this one place.

Here are some resources to help you learn even more about the Flexmls map search:

Map Search Cheat Sheet

Searching with Custom Overlays

Mapping in Flexmls

Searching & Mapping online course