Subscribers often ask about “For Sale” signs uploaded to the MLS, signs can be in the MLS but cannot contain contact information. Contact information is a $200 fine because it can allow a client to bypass their agent. See how to blur photos here.

Rule (8.23) states, “Media and description fields of such Media cannot direct the user in any way to the identity, contact information, branding, or other information about a real estate agent or broker or any other individual or entity with a connection to the business of real estate.

We created some examples below for a fake Subscriber, James Holland, who works at Zeppelin Realty LLC, a fake company. Zeppelin is known for their distinctive airship logo signs.

Not Okay – This photo has a telephone number, name, company name, and company branding.

Still Not Okay – The company name and distinctive company branding are still showing.

Great! Success – There is no contact information visible or company branding. We can’t tell which company holds the listing.

Note: Photos are judged at all sizes, If we can blow-up/enlarge the photo and still see contact information – a violation notice will still be sent.