
Listings from Central Arizona Association of Realtors are now available in Monsoon! Central Arizona includes Gila County and towns like Payson, Pine and the Heber/Overgaard area. You will now be able to see listings from CABOR in Monsoon, along with other MLS partners like PAAR, SVAR, LHAR, SAMLS and NAAR.

You can search their listings by using the MLS drop-down menu in the MLS Search.

Screenshot of MLS field in MLS search

Sensitive information, like commissions and showing instructions, will not be shared between MLSs. It is important to note there is NO offer of compensation across MLSs.

What happens if I belong to more than one of these MLSs?

You will continue to have more than one MLS login for Monsoon. While you will be able to see most data in Monsoon with either login credential, to see sensitive fields (like commissions and showing instructions) you will need to be logged in to that particular MLS.

Bull elk