
Do you know about wildcards in Flexmls? These precious gems can help strengthen your searches when you’re not entirely sure what to look for.

What’s a Wildcard? 

The wildcard is a symbol that takes the place of a word, letter or phrase to better help you complete a search. A wildcard is either a % or * in search. It does not matter which one you choose.

How Do I Use It? 

Wildcards can only be used in a text field in Flexmls. A text field is a field, like Subdivision, where you can enter any type of text. You will not be able to use the wildcard in a field that only accepts numbers, like the Bedrooms field.

Wildcards are perfect when you’re not sure of your search term. For example, your client wants to look at homes in a particular neighborhood, but can only remember part of the name of the subdivision- “something” ranch. If we use the wildcard in the Subdivision field, it might look something like this:

Subdivision field in a quick search


The wildcard can also be used to search the public remarks field for a word or phrase, like %mother%, which will match mother in law suite, mother-in-law-suite, mother-in-law quartersmother-in-law setup, mother goose tile, etc.